Sunday, May 24, 2020

LinkedIn Where can I find other companies like this one University of Manchester Careers Blog

LinkedIn Where can I find other companies like this one University of Manchester Careers Blog Usually big names in an industry aren’t hard to find, whether it be Atkins for civil engineers, the BBC for journalists and broadcasters, or the Big Four in accounting. However, only 14% of graduates enter into graduate schemes with blue chip companies. There’s so much opportunity out there with smaller enterprises so its key that you know where to look for them. This is where LinkedIn can help. When looking at a company page, on the right hand side you can see ‘People also viewed’. This shows companies within the same sector. They may be large companies, or they may not, and clicking on companies even if you’ve never heard of them could lead you to a golden opportunity. You can also search for the role, sector or company type that you are interested in, for example the renewable energy sector. Then go to ‘more’ under the search bar and select ‘companies’. This will bring up all results and they may not be in order of largest to smallest. This may introduce you to companies you would never have known existed otherwise. LinkedIn can be an incredibly valuable tool in discovering exciting opportunities from companies of every shape and size. All Careers advice Graduate Graduate jobs LinkedIn networking Postgraduate Undergraduate advice applications Getting started job job hunting job search strategy jobs LinkedIn

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